Since I’ve been motivated to start this blogging stuff again, for the 1000 times :-), here is a quick overview of the blog in 5 facts:
- The blog name was inspired by Queen Nzinga, one of the most powerful African queens. She reigned over a kingdom in Central Africa which is now known as modern day Angola. Queen Nzinga is hailed as one of the greatest women rulers in Africa. A visionary leader, a skilled diplomat and an astute politician she fought against the slave trade and European influences. Under her leadership, Angola resisted Portuguese colonization for about 30 years! She fought for a free Angola up until her death at age 82.
- To get to know her story better, her early years and accession to power, what’s her story means for the blog and for me, you really need to read her 3-part story.
- Africa is always described as a place where women live under the plight of patriarchy-based traditions and customs. But once you start reading ancient history and traditions, you’ll find out that women have always occupied very important roles in most of our societies. Many women have created and ruled kingdoms (and empires), furthermore they led armies and fought wars against invaders and colonizers. Here is the story of 5 African queens I think you should know. You will feel empowered after reading this post.
- One of the very first blog series, was published in March 2017 to celebrate some very inspiring African women. An oldie but still a goodie, the 4-part series is a must read if you ask me .Click here to start reading the 1st Part.
- My very first blog post was inspired by a conference called Lionesses of Africa. I spent a full day listening to amazing women entrepreneurs from all over the continent, telling us about their journeys. Their advice still resonate with me today, a must read still.
So tell me what’s your favorite post of the bunch so far. Did you read anything inspiring, edutaining? Share your thought with me here on let’s connect on my social media pages.
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April 20, 2020 at 4:31 am (5 years ago)Thanks for the refresher, I particularly love Queen Nzinga’s story she was so fierce, I wish we got to learn more about that side of African history.
The 16 inspiring women article is always a fave!
Patricia Yumba
May 3, 2020 at 4:30 pm (5 years ago)Thanks a lot for your feedback and checking back the website. I’m working on more history features and profiles, be sure to come back for fresh content. Thanks for the support, I appreciate it.